How to create your home office (updated)

· Your home office plays a big part on your online image ·

After meeting with Antoinette Emanuel and going through her tips on how to create a home office (read her tips here), I have made some upgrades to my working space at home. Why? Basically, we do not know for certain when we will be able to go back to the office. The other reason is…

How to create your home office (tips)

Working from home (WFH) demanded to create a place in our homes exclusively dedicated to our daily duties (overnight!). On one hand, it requires investing money to have the appropriate equipment and furniture. On the other hand, it is our chance to design our own tailored-made private office. For us, elegant women, our home is…

Dress code for work (home edition)

Some of us are lucky to work from home (WFH) during social distancing. As lines get blurred between office hours and personal time, we must set up a routine and follow some guidelines. Starting with a dress code. Many companies have adopted the dress down look of casual Friday for everyday of the week. The…