We have an idea on how we would like to look on camera, but sometimes it is not that easy. Where to start? Here are some tips to look our best (as we should!) since we are professionally presenting ourselves to our managers, peers and potential employers.
Surprisingly, after my fair share of work video calls, I still see executives not showing their best on screen. This can be dramatically and easily improved by following my tips on how to look good on camera:
- Position the camera angle at eye level. If you need to put the camera on a pile of books or stand up, do it. A bad angle can give you a double chin, even if you don’t have one. The right angle enhances your features. I strongly suggest getting a proper webcam for a better resolution. Read my post on how I upgraded my home office.
- Frame a medium close-up (from chest or shoulder up). I prefer to use the earphones of my mobile phone as they are discreet and do not mess up my hair. The earphones let me move a bit away from the camera without compromising the sound. Recently, I have upgraded to a semi-professional podcast mic (which sounds amazing!).
- Light up your face. Lighting is your best friend if done correctly. It has the power to conceal imperfections and wrinkles. If done incorrectly, it can create a different expression by adding shadows under your eyes or giving the appearance of a dull skin. No wonder why celebrities are so specific when it comes to lighting during interviews! More importantly, facial expressions are a form of nonverbal communication. The easiest and most efficient way to get a good light is by placing the desk in front of a window. Add some affordable white semi-transparent shades and you have a diffuser, just like any professional studio.  In any case, the window must not be behind you because you will end up showing as a dark silhouette. If you do host video calls at night, artificial lights are a must.
- Look straight into the camera when it is your turn to speak. Do not look at your screen. Since we are working remotely, looking your viewer in the eye helps connect better with your audience. Plus, your eyes will look bigger.
- Tidy up your background. The participants will be able to have a peek at what your home looks like.
- Wear natural make-up. Define your eyebrows and eyelashes. Wear a natural lipstick or lip gloss. This should be enough.
- Style the hair that frames your face. It is the only section that shows on camera.
- Avoid sleeveless tops or anything off the shoulders or low cut necklines. Think how you are presenting yourself. It is a professional call.
- Check yourself and your device settings before going on the call.
No matter how casual the conversation seems, remember, it is a professional communication and you should always be on brand. If you want to discuss personal issues, it is better to call your family or friends. We all are facing our own challenges at home with our close circle. A work call is not the best place to vent.
Also, a comfortable home office is a great way to make your work day enjoyable. A well-planned working space has your mental and physical health as a priority. Read, International Designer, Antoinette Emanuel’s tips on how to create the perfect home office.
Personal branding involves how we speak, dress and behave -even in virtual meetings. Set a time aside and reflect on what is the image you want to project, work on it and share with the world! Remember to always be good to yourself. Take care.